RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)


Well-known member
Good question. I suspect it would be slightly useful with the grimm, which is why you'd likely still need Blake and Weiss. Also, Ironwood would probably prioritize arresting her, because why start getting your priorities right now?
True, there'd likely still be some confusion, even if not as much as with a regular enemy. Also yes but that goes without saying XD

Matrix Dragon

Well-known member
"Sir, there's odd flashes of Light on the battlefield, then hundreds of Grimm are turned to stone."
"Ruby... Divert all forces to stopping her! This is Atlas's moment of glory, not hers!"


Well-known member

lets go back to that last section, in how Salem saw freedom in Ozma's eyes. We all recall her hurt and fury when she felt betrayed by Ozma.
well.....we now saw what happened to Cinder and her "savior". Hope, to hurt, to rage, and both Salem and Cinder ended up killing their former saviors.

Salem can probably read Cinder like a book, not just because Salem has lived a LOOOOOOONG time, but because she sees so much of herself in Cinder.


Well-known member
lets go back to that last section, in how Salem saw freedom in Ozma's eyes. We all recall her hurt and fury when she felt betrayed by Ozma.
well.....we now saw what happened to Cinder and her "savior". Hope, to hurt, to rage, and both Salem and Cinder ended up killing their former saviors.

Salem can probably read Cinder like a book, not just because Salem has lived a LOOOOOOONG time, but because she sees so much of herself in Cinder.
Yeah that scans quite well, even if some of the details are distinct the broad feelings would line up oh so neatly, good insights there.

Amusingly and horrifically there is one character even more like Salem than Cinder.

Winter Schnee.


Well-known member
Ok I'm pretty convinced that Penny will remain the Winter Maiden for the rest of the show now.
Mhmm, yeah I think so too and that's a nicely insightful post that does a good job highlighting she doesn't like the duties but also is responsible enough to bear them.

Honestly another reason why I doubt the powers will leave her is cos I feel it could come off as invalidating Penny's status as a girl/maiden. Sure you can justify it with technicalities in universe but it'd still feel off to put it mildly.


Well-known member
the only way she is losing the powers is if Cinder kills her out right or yoinks them by grabby hand (and thus kills Penny in the process anyway).

Matrix Dragon

Well-known member
It's taken a few different approaches to continuity. For instance, Sky Lynx never had that particular character arc before. It was usually just an ego the size of Cybertron. Scorponok is ususally a decepticon and rival to Megatron, not the last of another species enslaved by the quintessons. And speaking of the Quints, Sweet Primus that was new. Five faced demons with big ambitions and few morals, yeah sure, but, uh... Yeah.

Elita was awesome, with a bit that is so Rooster Teeth. Kindness, mercy, and a belief that people can be better.

And that last bit... I think the Allspark has been busy on Earth. I admit I am sorry we never got to see them on Earth during Earthrise, but still, DINOBOT! *Happy dance*


Well-known member
It's taken a few different approaches to continuity. For instance, Sky Lynx never had that particular character arc before. It was usually just an ego the size of Cybertron. Scorponok is ususally a decepticon and rival to Megatron, not the last of another species enslaved by the quintessons. And speaking of the Quints, Sweet Primus that was new. Five faced demons with big ambitions and few morals, yeah sure, but, uh... Yeah.

Elita was awesome, with a bit that is so Rooster Teeth. Kindness, mercy, and a belief that people can be better.

And that last bit... I think the Allspark has been busy on Earth. I admit I am sorry we never got to see them on Earth during Earthrise, but still, DINOBOT! *Happy dance*
Not being super deep into Transformers lore I had no idea who that was, but was quite pleased with the character and despaired when I realized they would not get to stick around. Honestly Scorponok going from mindless monster to calling out Megatron was surprising but dang was it fun to watch XD Gosh yes, I saw that scene and felt like curling up in my chair I was so freaked out!

Mhmm, well said, glad they managed to make her stuff feel relevant it was cool to watch.

Ah that would explain a lot and yeah I was surprised by that too, then again maybe that title is less about what's going on with the Autobots and Decepticons and more about what the All-Spark was up to (OO)