RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)


Well-known member
There were like, maybe two large airships amongst all the ships we see at the end of V9 that look like Atlas style craft.
Survivors of the Atlas fleet Salem tore through, I imagine. So if Ironwood had his way, they'd be in space.
... Why would anyone thank Ironwood for ships he didn't send?

What, am I expected to believe he crafted them with his bare hands, mined the fuel and then handed them over to captains with orders to ignore him if he ever decided to run and cower in space and instead to go to Vacuo?
Good to know that the lack of news is just the wheels of bureaucracy grinding slowly.



Well-known member
I think the Spirit of The Sword of Destruction is going to be based on an Asian figure/character


Well-known member
I'm still wondering how its powers will manifest.

Jinn seemed straightforward until you realize she got some minor details wrong, suggesting either she can't know everything or can only tell things from a certain perspective. IE, she says Light is the older brother, even though they came into existence at exactly the same time, so this is likely Ozma's perspective or she is legit unaware.

Ambrious can create anything but you have to be able to explain the gist of it to him and you have no control over any external factors that might come into play. Like did even he know where they'd end up if they fell? I don't think so.

Meanwhile we know thematically that destruction is about clearing away the metaphorical brush for new growth and change, but does this mean that using the sword reduces its target to like, ash that can be used as fertilizer, or raw magical energy or something else?


Well-known member
I don't get why the "older brother" thing is a big deal when that is a debate with basically any set of twins.
All actual plot important info still checks out.

Salem is cursed with immortality. - check

Salem is infused with Grimm essence. - check

The Brothers can delete/restore their creations at will. - check

Light saw their creations as experiments. - check

Our heroes can't stop Salem through force of arms. - check


Well-known member
Because its never been framed as two brothers bickering over who came first, that's never even presented as an option, and if it were the case and the Relics were made by both brothers then you can be sure as hell it would have been conveyed in some form that they were arguing about this.

Jinn getting something consistently set up as fact wrong, and the source proving it wrong being something tied to the brothers very creation feels like something that should, ya know, matter in a story that is as carefully written as RWBY tends to be.


Well-known member
and yet compared to everything else that actually matters to the plot it is not really anything worth mentioning as things currently stand.

like again, every major detail are unchanged. Salem and Oz are still cursed and the heroes still can't make their major problems go away by shooting or slicing. The only thing that is changed is an understanding of what The Brothers are, and that is 2 brothers with sandbox powers that have seriously lost their way.

if Jinn saying "older"/"younger" means anything in the long run, I'd wager that it is more to the effect that Light himself has come to view himself as the "older brother" and even that is just another sign of how far he has lost his way/his heart.

in the end, Ruby and her allies will have to lead the brothers back to the tree to remember what they have forgotten.


New member
Jinn getting something consistently set up as fact wrong, and the source proving it wrong being something tied to the brothers very creation feels like something that should, ya know, matter in a story that is as carefully written as RWBY tends to be.
Especially given how these sorts of things get worded differently (i.e. "you can't destroy Salem" vs. "you can't destroy Salem") or even the bias factor given what the Blacksmith said.


Well-known member
and yet compared to everything else that actually matters to the plot it is not really anything worth mentioning as things currently stand.
& Qrow's drinking is just a funny quirk until suddenly it wasn't.
in the end, Ruby and her allies will have to lead the brothers back to the tree to remember what they have forgotten.
This presumes so much, especially that they forgot something I don't believe they ever even knew.