RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)


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speaking of episode 10
it has come to my attention that it might of been leaked over on 4Chan.
tread lightly for the next week folks.
New fan made trailer. Aside from the Team SLVR ones this might be the best one I've seen, and in some ways I think this is the best trailer.

I really like how it's first set up as a typical "show off all your cool tricks against a bunch of mooks and maybe a mini boss or two" in the vein of most of the RWBY and OC trailers, but then when he discovers that there's a helpless civilian there it suddenly turns into a desperate skin of the teeth struggle as he takes hit after hit and has to pull out all stops to not just defeat the robots but also keep the civilian alive at all cost.

Also really like the juxtaposition of the little girl and the MCs younger self. Really liked that shot of her staring into the fire transitioning into his younger self doing the same thing. They both lost everything in a similar way so they're able to understand and empathize with each other and it adds context to why he's so desperate to keep her safe that he'll throw his own life away if need be.

Not bad storytelling for a 5 minute short that barely has any dialogue.
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*banging head on desk after looking at posts on tumblr and other threads*
It is clear as day that the show is telling us that Alyx became the Blacksmith without saying it. "Show, Don't Tell".
Yet so many people are like "So is Alyx Juniper because they felt bad to hurting Jaune?" or "Is Alyx the Jabberwalker because of that one time the Jabber mumbled out "Fix"?"
And yet at the same time I have seen posts kind of lambast WBY for speaking the message/moral instead of doing it via "Show, Don't Tell." damn often when RWBY does do SDT it just flies over people's heads and then they demand the show actually say what it means. Then RWBY bluntly says a thing and people go "Noooo! Bad writing! Show, Don't Tell!".

Seriously some people a like that scene from Courage the Cowardly Dog when Courage had to deal with bratty baby Muriel.

Matrix Dragon

Well-known member
*banging head on desk after looking at posts on tumblr and other threads*
It is clear as day that the show is telling us that Alyx became the Blacksmith without saying it. "Show, Don't Tell".
Yet so many people are like "So is Alyx Juniper because they felt bad to hurting Jaune?" or "Is Alyx the Jabberwalker because of that one time the Jabber mumbled out "Fix"?"
And yet at the same time I have seen posts kind of lambast WBY for speaking the message/moral instead of doing it via "Show, Don't Tell." damn often when RWBY does do SDT it just flies over people's heads and then they demand the show actually say what it means. Then RWBY bluntly says a thing and people go "Noooo! Bad writing! Show, Don't Tell!".

Seriously some people a like that scene from Courage the Cowardly Dog when Courage had to deal with bratty baby Muriel.

Those ideas are nice concepts, but yeah, at this point I'd say it's pretty clear.


Well-known member
just saw this response over on SB of "The Hound is the wolf, Maria is the Grandmother"
"My, Grandma. What big eyes you have."

"I already told you that they didn't have any smaller prosthetics at the time you little shit!"
One point I keep seeing brought up by critics is that Ruby is being rewarded for her suicide attempt. To which I have to say, that's not really right.

Note that when Ruby met the Blacksmith for the second time the first thing they say is that they didn't expect Ruby to be there so soon.

If Neo hadn't attacked Ruby and driven her over the edge then sooner or later she would almost certainly have chosen to Ascend anyway, but she could have done so after learning more about the true nature of Ascension and after having more time to think about what she actually wanted.

An analogy I've seen is that Ruby basically made a suicide attempt that failed and now she's in the psych ward getting help to get better, but if she hadn't been pushed so hard then she would have eventually chosen to go to the psych ward by herself without any suicide attempts and in the understanding that she would be going to get psychiatric help.
Oh. And more in-universe evidence of the Brothers being involved in making the Ever After.


Lilith Fairen

"I think I love you." "I love you too!"
An analogy I've seen is that Ruby basically made a suicide attempt that failed and now she's in the psych ward getting help to get better, but if she hadn't been pushed so hard then she would have eventually chosen to go to the psych ward by herself without any suicide attempts and in the understanding that she would be going to get psychiatric help.
That's exactly it. If her friends had caught up with her sooner, they likely would have had a chance to talk to Ruby, to let her know that they didn't realize how much she was hurting and that they're there for her when she needs them.

I think one of the most poignant aspects of the failed-suicide comparison is the fact that in the aftermath, before that burden lowers down upon her mind once more...Ruby is genuinely fearful of dying. It's not something she wants, but in that moment, she just didn't know any other way to stop the pain that she was feeling.
Because someone helps her after her suicide attempt doesn't kill her, she's 'being rewarded'. Some 'critics' are fucking morons.
To be fair there is a bit of confusion with how the Ascension process was so strongly symbolic of death/suicide, even if the point was that the Remnanites were mistaken when drawing those connections.

This show doesn't do the manga/anime thing of having a freeze frame of someone's face as they internally monologue for 50+ seconds about exactly what's happening and why.

Which is a writing trick that probably wouldn't work great with RWBY's style but sometimes it can be nice to have things spelled out so there's no room for misinterpretation.

Even I had a instinctive uncomfortable reaction to how J-WBY were acting at the start of this episode and how Wood Statue Ruby was depicted as a good thing.

A more explicit line being drawn between what Ruby did and why she did it would likely have improved the episode.

Depending on how the next episode goes I'm still not sure I'll be comfortable with it, though I doubt CRWBY will go in any of the directions the haters try to claim the show is headed. I doubt Ruby is getting a power up from this, or becoming her mom or someone else or whatever.

Anyway, something about the episode that just worked: the cat still being a cat. :3

Matrix Dragon

Well-known member
I could forgive WBY being more willing to relax, even slightly, on a second watch, given that they didn't do it until after the Gems returned, in such a way that made it clear they were still the same beings, just changed somewhat. They knew in that moment, despite everything going on, Rubys LIFE isn't in peril. Followed by the realization at the statue that they can't do anything to help Ruby directly at this moment, that all they could do is has faith in her to choose well, and be there for her afterwards. It's a tough place for them to be in, let's face it.

What a good thing there's a little bitchcat to beat on. :p
What a good thing there's a little bitchcat to beat on.
In a way the cat was kinda the problem. If it had just escaped to Remnant it could have been a next volume problem, which would have left a lot more time to delve into what the WBY are feeling and why they're concluding that they shouldn't do anything to interfere with the Ascension. Aside from like 30 seconds extra in the beginning to show a bit more closeups of Yang and co being sad and maybe a quick muttered line of "so that means Ruby isn't..." after meeting the Genial Gems the scenes between the girls discovering Ruby's statue and before discovering the cat is where I feel this episode could have most benefited from some extra screentime. Just one extra minute, or 30 seconds to dwell a bit more on their reasoning for why Ruby should be left alone when being left alone has been her primary problem this entire volume.
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Its less WHY she should be left alone, and more that at this point the girls have no choice in the matter.
Well the cat certainly seems to think it can just cut her out. It would be nice with a clearer showing of their thought process that led them to conclude that Ruby would be better off in the tree rather than with them, why they have faith that she won't choose to destroy her old identity completely.

And as someone on SB who is usually strongly defensive of RWBY pointed out Weiss saying "we've done all we could" was an exceptionally poor choice of words. Just a simple rephrasing to something like "there's nothing we can do for her now" or "until she comes out of the tree" would have sounded a lot better.

I'm mostly arguing in defense for this episode but even I felt that was a very awkward bit of writing when so much of the conflict stems from how Weiss and co have failed to notice how much Ruby needs help and not done much to help her.
Yeah, I do wish it had been phrased a bit better.
Granted if the last episode can stick the landing in terms of R meeting back up with WBY and how they treat her suicidal tendencies this awkwardness could just be a temporary hiccup that doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things. If the next episode handles the reunion in a way that's just as awkward however that would be bad.

Still that's for next Saturday to determine so for now I'm withholding judgement.


Well-known member
*looks at Adora and Jaune*
traumatized goofball blonde that desperately aim to be hero and has a broken sword

*looks at Catra and Ruby*
traumatized girl in red who desperately tries to bury their problems, and hits rock bottom around the time a short pink girl comes along who wants to kill them.

blond and red are foils to each other in both shows.
Getting kinda annoyed by how many clips they're releasing for the movie. Yeah it's good that they're advertising it but it's getting harder and harder to stay unspoiled. I would prefer for as many of these scenes as possible to be fresh when I watch the movie. Even if they stay away from the big twists it's still annoying if what feels like the entire first half of the movie has already been revealed. And if you don't watch the clips like I'm trying to do then every RWBY discussion thread or social media becomes a No Go zone.