RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

Oh, that would be a wonderfully bittersweet way of it finally happening.
I was thinking that maybe WBY would ride the Nevermore while blindfolded or something. That way they could cover a lot of ground while not trying to go to any particular place or be distracted by physical obstacles, letting them focus on just feeling which way to go.

Also it would let them do a cool window smash thing where Ruby is about to jump into the crucible or something only for the giant bird to smash through the walls of the tree.
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ended up thinking of some songs today and how one MIGHT be able to put them to Ruby.

"Michael In The Bathroom" from Be More Chill
Just imagine this as Yang ditching Ruby at a party that Yang dragged her to to try and socialize.

"Waving Through A Window" from Dear Evan Hansen
Something close to Ruby's possible feelings over the course of this volume, especially during episodes 7 and 8

"You Will Be Found" from Dear Evan Hansen
Basically RWBY the show overall but mainly how I see things will go forward.


Well-known member

think this fits with Volume 8?
Yeah this episode really could have used just a minute or two more to let the scenes breathe a little. Give us more time to dwell on how Yang and co are crushed by Ruby's suicide, spend a bit more time on the Genial Gemstones scene to make or more clear that the reason everyone's suddenly so peppy and positive is because they realized that Ruby is not actually dead. Give at least a mention of the fact that if and when Ruby gets out they plan to be there for her. Etc.
Well I was already thinking that this felt like a two-parter and I would need to watch both episodes to decide how I feel about the quality of this episode.

This confirms it and makes me feel confident the whole will be good. If the last episode is longer than everything that came before this volume then it should hopefully have enough time to stick the landing.