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  1. Axiomatic

    Red-Brown Worries

    Obviously it isn't as universal as we would like or hope, but I really think the average American has a certain disdain for Nazis. There's still enough media about heroic GI's blowing up Panzers in France's hedgerows that just openly waving a swastika around is going to turn off more people than...
  2. Axiomatic

    2020 elections thread

    It's kinda wild to me to once again witness the Democratic strategy of trying to convince Republicans to not vote Republican, the one thing that defines them.
  3. Axiomatic

    The Problem of Profit

    I would also point out that choosing the more profitable action, regardless of ethics, presumes some kind of foretelling ability, some sort of future-sight. After all, you are not actually picking a choice that will lead to more profits, but the choice you THINK will do so. You don't actually...
  4. Axiomatic

    Marxist Leninist Thread

    I can't say the USSR was perfectly managed or anything like that but maybe there were legit reasons for the USSR to feel threatened by some sort of external enemy? Like some sort of massively rich and powerful country that loved using military force to install puppet dictators or something.
  5. Axiomatic

    Welcome to Nyanarchy

    hey, I'm Axiomatic on SV and Axiomatict on SB due to a misspelling. Someone posted a political compass of Spacebattles' shard-buds on the SV thread about SB's cryptonazi infestation and I just had to check this place out.
  6. Axiomatic

    Help Write a Socialist Space Opera

    One thing I think you could do - and I'm just bringing out my hobby horse here - is compare and contrast with the most popular organization in space opera, Starfleet. Now, for all that Star Trek's federation has abolished money and everyone is free to pursue their own self improvement and all...
  7. Axiomatic

    The Generic Singular They

    I figure that if the singular They is good enough for Chaucer, it's good enough for me. There's exactly one situation where I think the singular they is a bad idea, and switching to more traditional gendered pronouns is better, and that's when describing the interaction between two...
  8. Axiomatic

    Marxist Leninist Thread

    Isn't it kinda weird to consider Marxism Leninism to be Stalinism when Lenin's last writing was pretty much HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS, WHATEVER YOU DO MAKE SURE YOU DON'T PUT STALIN IN CHARG-urk