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  1. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Eh, not quite back. Getting ready to be back. Alllllmost there....
  2. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Sun and Neptune continue to be goofballs when left alone with each other.
  3. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Man, closing those borders was so worth all the political unrest and international side eyes, given how effective it was at keeping Salem's minions out.
  4. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Vine was very good at seeming logical, far better at it than Ironwood. He even had himself fooled I think. But he was also the first to embrace Ironwoods 'logic' of 'the enemy has revealed they are on atlas and can break into this office, clearly that means the freezing mantle citizens are how...
  5. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Fear is a dangerous thing. It took them all V8 to start thinking again, no matter what Vine said about logic.
  6. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    And it wasn't just Jacques, let's remember. The rest of the government was involved in calling Ironwood to account over what was stated, in-universe and out, to be Ironwood exceeding his authority and destroying checks and balances put into the system to prevent abuses of power. Which is...
  7. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Shockingly enough, exposing Jacqueass's election fraud does not mean Weiss is at fault for Ironwood then deciding to overthrow his goverment and murder his rivals. That's all Jimmys choice.
  8. Matrix Dragon

    Magus of the Library

    Anywhere online I can check it out?
  9. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Cordovin screwed up. She did not take part in a coup attempt. On the scale of screw-ups, she's got room to maneuver. Which allows her to serve as the official assripping certain people have coming.
  10. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Cordovan: Winter gets a pass on not stopping Sleets murder because she was in a hospital bed, but she's still got things to answer for! *One scene with Winter admitting to every single mistake she made in her entire life, plus a lot more she's convinced are her fault at this point, later...*...
  11. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Also, imagine the surviving Ace Ops trying to explain their late V7 early V8 actions to Cordovin, and her looking increasingly unimpressed. "He murdered Councilor Sleet while he was in arms reach of you Specialist Bree, and you let him walk away?"
  12. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Honestly, I'm still imagining Cordovan as already being in Vacuo. I mean, she's the only actual command level officer Atlas had left. Everyone else is more of a field agent, and needed there.
  13. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Random NPC being a jerk clearly means that everyone is DOOMED! DOOMED I SAY! That or the scars of a Jacqueass won't magically heal right away so people have to work at it, as we see Willow and Whitley actively doing. One of the two.
  14. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Something something DOOM AND DESPAIR.
  15. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    I always appreciate a good 'SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER'
  16. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)
  17. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

  18. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    I mean, it's not like anyone else ever did... I know, no relic, but I like how the ignored people cast aside keep messing up her plans.
  19. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Fall alone, or stand together, a tale as old as time. I wonder how Mistral and Menagerie are holding up.
  20. Matrix Dragon

    RWBY & RT General Discussion Thread (V1)

    Grimm army sweeping over Vale. Guess once she finally stopped focusing on digging at Beacon, it was only a matter of time. Still, at least they got most of the people out.