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  1. FreeWhisky

    Let's read: Social Ecology and Communalism (Bookchin)

    With apologies for the delay, an update. To me this is particularly evident in national parks and nature preserves worldwide. This conception of a static and pristine unchanging natural landscape totally ignores the history of managed forest garden systems globally, but in particular in the...
  2. FreeWhisky

    Let's read: Social Ecology and Communalism (Bookchin)

    Hello all: I have decided to do a let's read of the collection of Murray Bookchin's essays Social Ecology and Communalism. (PDF Here). In this post I will give a little bit of background on Bookchin, give basic definitions of Social Ecology and Communalism and begin to orient these things in...
  3. FreeWhisky

    Book Club!

    I'll also post some thoughts on There There (by Tommy Orange) and why I think it's essential reading, especially for white people, and extra especially for white Americans. I'll not lie it's sad at times. Starting with the prologue it pulls no punches, but it is also beautiful and moving, and...
  4. FreeWhisky

    What can we learn from the Autonomous Zones?

    Hello everyone: With the recent breakup of CHOP in Seattle after their security forces killed one teenager and seriously wounded another I thought it would be appropriate to create a thread discussing lessons to be learned from this and other occupation protests. Some that personally stick in...
  5. FreeWhisky

    Welcome to Nyanarchy

    Hello all, Anarcho-syndicalist here. Set this up a bit ago, and am just now posting. Some may know me from SV and a certain discord server that doesn't exist, or at least doesn't if it's foamy asking. Came up in chat and remembered I never got around to posting.