Recent content by January First-of-May

  1. January First-of-May

    Welcome to Nyanarchy

    Good aftmorneve, new forum! I'm january1may on SV, QQ, CCF, and the ЯOЯЯIM TTO (on most of those places only because they didn't allow the full spelling), January First-of-May on, Language Hat, and Draak's Lair, and Январь Первомайский on several Wikia/Fandom based sites. (I'm probably...
  2. January First-of-May

    The Generic Singular They

    ⬆ EDIT: Well, to be fair, as I understand it, pronouns were in flux in Chaucer's time. IIRC - correct me if I'm wrong here - Old English has different pronouns for at least three (possibly all four) of "he/she/they/it", but they were something along the lines of "he/heo/hi". By Chaucer's...
  3. January First-of-May

    Requesting additional ratings options

    Out of the options provided, I, personally, would have used the :( option. But I agree that it's a useful rating; it's the one I missed most on QQ (compared to SV).