Recent content by Flectarn

  1. Flectarn

    Rojava and the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria
  2. Flectarn

    Rojava and the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria

    I wonder how much exposure the US troops working with the YPG/J have had to the actual philosophy and praxis of democratic confederalism?
  3. Flectarn

    2020 elections thread

    Ladies and Gentlemen, the myopia of the democratic electorate
  4. Flectarn

    Rojava and the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria

    Well, hopefully it doesn't take civil war... Also, here, have a free e-book published by the Internationalist Commune of Rojava
  5. Flectarn

    Whats for supper?

    Lunch today: Ramen with a miso-tamari-hot sauce-sesame oil-gurume seaweed paste broth, home made white kim chi and a fried egg.
  6. Flectarn

    2020 elections thread
  7. Flectarn

    Anarchy Chat

    I would say one of the better ways to get a feel for anarchism is to read The Dispossessed.
  8. Flectarn

    Suspect taken into custody in connection with fires at three black churches in Louisi

    Not officially, but we can make some inferences from the biographical stuff we know. son of a sheriffs deputy, into the fashy side of black metal.
  9. Flectarn

    The Problem of Profit

    Multi-stakeholder models which anchor a coops decision making in the broader community, and strict by-law provisions against creating permanent classes of non-owner workers should go a long way towards mitigating these issues.
  10. Flectarn

    Suspect taken into custody in connection with fires at three black churches in Louisi well, hopefully they have the right person and that puts a stop to this terror spree.
  11. Flectarn

    Mission and Vision

    I'm glad this discussion is moving to the forum propper, I find things a little hard to follow on discord
  12. Flectarn

    2020 elections thread

    So instead of talking what candidate you support, and letting the thread discuss them on their merits, your going to try to preemptively cast shade on everyone else for presumably disagreeing with your politics? Since, Biden, Betto, and Pete have all come up without accusations of people being...
  13. Flectarn

    Red-Brown Worries

    also relevant:
  14. Flectarn

    2020 elections thread

    What do people think of Inslee? I like his centering of climate change, but is plans a bit light on detail as yet. and ya'know, i'd rather see some anti-capitalism
  15. Flectarn


    Just wanted to throw this out there and see what people think of this project to build radically democratic munincipalist institutions The articles in The Ecologist are all great and deserve...