Recent content by CloakandDagger

  1. CloakandDagger

    Marxist Leninist Thread

    The USSR had a vastly higher GDP per capita than Africa, India, China, and the Russian Empire, I don't know what you're talking about. The USSR was killed by political corruption, not by economic collapse.
  2. CloakandDagger

    Marxist Leninist Thread

    I look at the Soviet Union and I see a dirt poor nation that was uplifted into Superpower status. If China and India and Africa had went Leninist the world would be far richer and better off than today. If humans can only do 1% of the jobs as previously, train everyone for that 1% and have...
  3. CloakandDagger

    Marxist Leninist Thread

    If by bureaucracy you mean whatever the goals of the government are, then yes, you'd have tons of resources devoted to industrialization, space programs, science, military, and similar as needed. It would be a lot better than a 'post-labor' society where people produce nothing and the nation...
  4. CloakandDagger

    Marxist Leninist Thread

    A Leninist state wouldn't have any particular difficulty with such a scenario, it would easily be able to assign work and goods as needed, and then some.