Recent content by Abbazorkzog

  1. Abbazorkzog

    2020 elections thread

    Elizabeth Warren seems like the best candidate if Ds want to win imho. 1) Used to be a Republican, will come in handy in the general 2) already appeals to WWC voters and would almost certainly win the rust belt, and 3) to add she can run as a common sense halfway point between Bernie and Biden...
  2. Abbazorkzog

    Suspect taken into custody in connection with fires at three black churches in Louisi

    Oh look yet another terrorist attack. But Rome is totally not burning while I go golfi-I mean fiddling...
  3. Abbazorkzog

    Synagogue Shooting in San Francisco

    We need to start calling them terrorist attacks. They are not simply "shootings" or "gun violence," these are premeditated attacks with extremist ideology propelling them. They are not "shooters" they are terrorists.
  4. Abbazorkzog

    Red-Brown Worries

    Not sure I buy this as a legitimate concern (the argument proposed in the source material not the OP's response to it). It may seem convincing, but due to the inordinate amount of bullshit that has cascaded from the mouths of the Theocratic-Imperialist establishment in the US about 'sOcIaLiSm'...
  5. Abbazorkzog

    2020 elections thread

    If the Democrats keep playing into Trump's hand by buying the whole 'he's a disaster he can't PoSsIbLy WiN" hook-line-sinker... well... -gestures around broadly-