Moonless Night, a KC SI

Darth Herobrine

New member
Male or female




did methink

shit!at least three Essexsuck.


[Unknown ship, this JS Kong?

[This is destroyer leader Au Sablefive plus

For several long moments the only sound from the radio is static before [Did you say destroyer leader?]

Tenry? crossed with a Shimakaze

[A destroyer leader

[Negative Kong?


Kong? and her escort Sendai.

why did that have to come out so lewd!

Just ignore it and sink the bitch!

*Splash, splash, splash, splash, splash, splash, splash, splash*

poorly dressed




[This is Kong?Sendai

[Return data matches reports from engaged allied forces elsewhere Au Sable

USS Au Sable



New member
Well, watching someone having to adjust to 'how do I even this whole new body' is always rather fun. And it's a 'first day of blood' start, which is unusually fresh for a take on KC, as it lets the SI/MC actually work with the authorities to formulate a response to the abyssals instead of the authorities being fully caught up. I'm curious to see if this fic might go in more of a "There is actual magic. Therefore we must probe the actual magic. FOR GREAT SCIENCE!" direction than the 'this is the bare minimum we need to make more ship girls, and we go no further' that KC fiction tends to take.