Search results

  1. Rise Comics

    Wall Street Schandenfreude

    As y'all would have seen by now, r/WSB has basically short squeezed Melvin Capital, a hedge fund, so much, that it needed two separate bailouts. What are y'all's thoughts on all this.
  2. Rise Comics

    Rise Comics's story ideas page

    Here be a random assortment of story outlines, one-shots, and other ideas for others to look at and stuff.
  3. Rise Comics

    Rise Comics Art Dump

    So this is basically where I'm putting my art. Enjoy what comes, when it comes.
  4. Rise Comics

    Road to thetop: a US Election Game

    The 2024 election cycle is near. And with it comes new candidates. You are an up and coming politician in the new cycle. What party will you choose? Republican Democrat Green Libertarian Independent Rules: Be civil no hate speech I'm the game master Answers choices are to be typed in...
  5. Rise Comics

    Red Like Roses, Red like Revolution

    December 31, 2018 - UASR-Mexico Border - 11:59 PMKuo Kuana - 1/1/2019* - 12:01 AM It was impossible to ignore the flash, and especially the loud crash that came with it. Where there was once just empty ocean off of Menagerie, now there was a sea of light. Rudy Grey*, who was one of the dock...
  6. Rise Comics

    A Strange World: A 2024 election game

    Democratic PartyNew Whig PartyRepublican Party/GOPStructure:
  7. Rise Comics

    Graphic design showcase and advice megathread

    To start this off, here's something I made on my own time.
  8. Rise Comics

    Welcome to Nyanarchy

    Welcome to SmugCat. This is the welcome thread for first time users. Hope you have a fun time here.
  9. Rise Comics

    2020 elections thread

    [No message]