I spent my evening very productively going through the lore for Paladins (Guardians of the Realm) & SMITE (The Video game & comics) As both games had crossovers with RWBY & I wanted them as reference…
I spent my evening very productively going through the lore for Paladins (Guardians of the Realm) & SMITE (The Video game & comics) As both games had crossovers with RWBY & I wanted them as reference for power-scaling and general reference, here are my conclusions:
SMITE: Surprisingly, RWBY mesh quite seamlessly with the power put on display, at least in raw combat.
The gods do show unique abilities or powers that manifest in specific ways like reading the flow of fate or controlling the flow of dead souls. However, none of this makes them more durable or hit harder, and they still tend to die rather mundanely if you hit them hard enough.
Now, there are a few cosmic beings or powers that are unique outliers, Atlas holding up the world, the Lightning Bolt of Zeus, Cthulu, plus on a more disrespectful level the Hindu gods. Still, some of these fall more into that "Unique powers/roles" category where its about controlling he flow of something over raw striking power, or said power is tied to an item anyone can wield.
All in all, RWBY can fit quite well into SMITE and be threats without breaking the setting.
Paladins: RWBY's high level Hunters are stronger than most high level Paladins but there are cosmic beings.
Paladins Lore is extensive, but in the broad strokes, most of the Elite Paladins and Magi tend to need to hide from bullets and while capable of a degree of superhuman abilities. They never stretch that far beyond what we see White Fang Grunts or Atlesian foot soldiers display.
Though they do still have uniquely abilities and so could finesse wins, and several of their weapons are very powerful, so I'd not discount them. But on Average high level RWBY fighters are better off. But, I'd say high and mid level Paladins probably can handle the likes of Dee & Dudley with no issue for example.
There are however some cosmic beings whose exact power is undefined, but I'd put them at least on Maiden tier or Leviathan/Wyrn/Monstra tier & so needing much more than usual to take them down. Many of these beings power tend to be about influencing or changing things than raw destruction nd even then their exact power fluctuates somewhat.
The deity who roamed the the stars and can trash a small army can still be threatened by an elite Paladin style warrior but not his small army. While others like Yagorath are more insidious at first but can become apocalyptic threats if given enough time and material resources. There's also elements of corruption and possession so they could turn local powers to their side.
The other official crossovers are: Crusaders Quest x RWBY collaboration, Puzzle of Empires, Knights Chronicle, Black Rock Shooter Fragment, BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle & of course the Justice League films. But we have more official representation of the casts power with some of these and or I don't know enough to comment. Still, I hope this proves interesting or useful!